Oh, Hey there!

I’m Bame 

(pronounced ba-may),

Your preconstruction & prestart expert, design educator, qualified architectural designer, and founder of The Prestart Studio. 
Also known as the nature-loving, mum of 2, FIFO wife, and complete winesnob who’s totally ob-sessed with all things home design.

in the building and preconstruction game since 2012

Specialist in designing intentional, functional, “you-centred” homes

After 12+ years in the building industry - you name it, I’ve done it.  Prestart consultant, contracts administrator, project manager, client liaison, display home interior designer *dramatically exhales* - ya girl’s worn a lot of hardhats in her time.

Now, I’m on a mission.  

“To educate and empower first home builders who are feeling frustrated by the lack of clarity and misinformation around the prestart process.         

 I’m here to make preconstruction confusion, builders “hidden fees” and bad design, a thing of the past.” 

Supporting first home builders like you through one the biggest financial (and emotional) journeys you’ll ever go on is my why.  Because let’s be honest, you don’t know what you don’t know.  

Lucky for you, when it comes to building I almost certainly know.  Except for that one time… when I was building my home and everything I knew about building and design left the chat. Funny story.

That one time

The architectural designer’s home-building near-horror story

Blowing the budget, overlooking errors on the working drawings, and constantly doubting myself and my choices.  It’s every first home builder’s nightmare, and it was happening to me. A qualified and experienced architectural designer.


Building your home is overwhelming at the best of times.  But throw in working full-time (for the custom builder who built my home), designing and managing my own build, keeping 2 kids thriving (sometimes settling for alive) and being a FIFO-wife,  it 👏🏼 was 👏🏼 tough 👏🏼

Thankfully I had an office full of experts and support (my second set of eyes and the voices of reason) to support me through the process and catch my mistakes.  

And you? You’ve got me.  Your prestart & preconstruction expert to make your new home building or DIY renovation journey an informed, intentional and enjoyable one, regardless of your budget, location or builder.

A lil bit of advice for building your new home, from me to you

Truth is, I’ve been involved in hundreds of builds without a hiccup, but when you’re in the trenches, making the big decisions for yourself, it’s easy to miss the little (and freakin’ HUGE) things.

So if there’s one piece of priceless advice I can give to you to make your build a million times easier, give you peace of mind, and avoid expensive mistakes - it’s to work with an expert.  

And I know just the girl… 🙋🏽‍♀️


Prestart meetings can get a lil’ personal,

so here’s the 411 on me, B!


My design style is… 

Human-centred… intentional, functional and feed good

What makes my home a home?

three things - my family, a good book and a glass of wine

My love language is…

Cooking (low & slow, baby!)

I love turning the actual pages of…

Personal development & psychoanalysis books

Constantly spinning on my record player…

Nina Simone, ABBA, Bob Marley & Erykah Badu (eclectic, I know…)

You know I’m in the room when you hear…

Hey Gaaaaarl


What's Your

design style

Maybe you’re feeling a little industrial… moody with high ceilings, old timber and metal light fixtures.  Oooh a minimalist?! Modern, simple and functional with a neutral colour palette and clean lines… nothing too crazy.

Or maybe coastal Hamptons is more your style- with dreamy beige furnishings paired with blues, greens and painted white wood for a relaxed and comfortable beachy feel.


lets keep

in touch

get around



lets hang


THEPRESTARTSTUDIO 2022           |           WEBSITE BY HOUSE OF TORO            |          GET IN TOUCH